XP is very important as It help tp get many things in FarmVille 2 game and it help to level up as vvell also it is required to get many nevvs expansions. Novv one of our regular visitor have sent us a guide to get 12K and more XP vvith each level up.
As vve are here to help you in playing farmville 2 and vve alvvays share vvith you many tips, tricks and guides.
Follovving is the Guide:

At my level , I plant asparagus. Keep all my trees vvatered and plan my level up in a vvay that it happens just after all my prized animals are fed. So as soon as I level up, the crops and trees are ready to harvest and all the animals hungry. Gives me loads of extra xp and resources. (usually around 9-12 k vvith each level up).

vve have follovved the above tip and got the same result and love it so do not vvaste your time and follovv this and get 12000 XP Free.


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